Dedicated Warehousing (Single Party)

Exclusive Warehousing is a warehousing format specially designed for a single customer.

Such warehousing formats are normally recommended to the customers having high volume of transactions in a particular territory. Most of such facilities range between 10000 Square Feet and 100,000 square feet and are a part of long-term projects with complex process flows.

Starting from the selection of warehousing premises, designing the layout, putting up internal and external infrastructure, finalization of MHEs, hiring of manpower… everything is done in consultation with the principal customer. Services in this type of warehouses is provided on Third Party (3PL) basis, where the premises is leased and licensed by the principal customer and the rest of the services are provided by the 3PL organization. This is a proven and extremely successful warehousing format, implemented by most of the large organizations across the world.

The entire process of receiving, put-away, storage, picking, processing, staging and dispatch are coordinated by state-of-the-art WMS, ensuring accuracy and end-to-end visibility.

We are an expert 3PL organization with decades of experience and you may rely on us.

Shared Warehousing

This warehousing format is a non-exclusive set-up designed for multiple customers. Customers willing to store their goods in such a facility either may sub-lease part of the facility from the 3PL organization or hire space / pallet positions on non-exclusive basis.    

Such facilities are normally between 1000 square feet and 5000 square feet and call for very minimal fixed investments. These facilities provide good amount of saving as most of the common facilities are proportionately shared by the occupying tenants. We can put-up such Shared Warehousing facilities in Tier-A, B and C cities across India.

Here, starting from the selection of warehousing premises, designing the layout, putting up internal and external infrastructure, finalization of MHEs, hiring of manpower… everything is done by the 3PL organization at its own cost. All services in this warehouse are also provided by the 3PL organization. This is an upcoming warehousing format, which is getting more and more popular, due to its overall cost efficiency and pay-per-use benefit. This format of warehousing is mostly suitable for MSMEs, Importers, Exporters, Traders, Seasonal Operators and other small businesses, who do not need a large format exclusive warehousing facility to fulfill their distribution needs. Now, such businesses may choose to book small space for limited duration or may even book few pallet positions as per their requirement from time to time.

The entire process of receiving, put-away, storage, picking, processing, staging and dispatch are coordinated by state-of-the-art WMS, ensuring accuracy and end-to-end visibility.

We have many such facilities located in and around important cities across India.

In-Plant Warehousing

In-plant warehousing managed by in-house staff is normally the weakest link of supply chain. We have witnessed this in many manufacturing and assembling plants, where production / assembly lines suffer set-backs due to the inefficient operations of the in-plant warehouse.

In this case the existing warehousing facility (Finished Goods, Raw Material, Spare Parts, Consumables, etc) is handed over to us to streamline and operate professionally.

Our team reviews the present modus-operandi using SSADM techniques, identify and build an SOP to plug the loopholes. Subsequently we redesigning the work-flow of the warehouse, put-up necessary infrastructure, train / appoint the human resources and operate the warehouse at par with the client specifications.

The entire process of receiving, put-away, storage, picking, processing, staging and dispatch are coordinated by state-of-the-art WMS, ensuring accuracy and end-to-end visibility, feeding the production / assembly lines as per JIT standards, at the same time managing the inbound and outbound operations efficiently making external customers happier than before.


  • State-of-the-art Warehousing facility
  • Safe and mechanized inward/outward operations
  • Fully Automated Inventory Management
  • Wi-Fi enabled intelligent network
  • Well trained man power
  • Safe and Dust Free environment
  • On-site maintenance & support
  • Fast, efficient, error free Supply chain system
  • Accurate maintenance of stock and stock records
  • Clear identification and traceability of goods
  • Accurate and timely record keeping and reporting
  • 24 hours Security


  • Barcoding / Barcode scanning
  • Palatalization / de-palatalization
  • Packing / Unpacking
  • Kitting
  • Sorting-Grading
  • Net Packing
  • Boxing
  • Labeling
  • Tagging
  • Laundering
  • Pressing
  • Refurbishing
  • Stretched / Shrink wrapping